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Frank Lynyrd

I've always been apprehensive in sharing parts of myself, be that due to fear of being ridiculed or self-consciousness. Recently, I made the decision to ignore those fears and be honest. This serves as a step in that direction.

Home: Welcome

Then and Now.

Everybody likes to believe in their own uniqueness. I'm no stranger to wanting to be seen as an individual as opposed to a carbon copy of an idea. Whilst growing up queer isn't uncommon, I have always believed that those of us who do fall under the LGBTQ+ umbrella have lived experiences that differ from one another. My aim with this "Blog" is to share my personal experiences, irregardless of if they're common.

Home: About Me

The new Section 28

I remember coming out at school in 2014. Even then, there was very little education into what being Transgender meant. From the moment I...

Beyond a Broken System

Everyone is influenced by their childhood experiences. Be those good or bad, those events shape us into the adults we are. I often ponder...

Home: Blog2

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